Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Working at the Gasworks

When employees started working at the gasworks it was often hot, cloudy and dirty.  On windy days the coke and coal dust blew everywhere.  There was many different jobs there including fitters, bricklayers, electricians, gas fitters, 'coalies', retort men, shift formen and many many more.
The gasworks was not always a popular option at the times for employment.  It was known for its good work, dirty conditons but good pay.

You rarely get any chance to work in any conditions like this anymore.  Yes it does sound weird wanting to work in a conidition like this in our day and age but given that chance it would be a once in a life time experience.  Still today, when you walk into the Gasworks, the old smell of the machines is so intense in there, it has managed to maintain its smell after all these years.

This is photo shows an old vintage wall in the Gasworks. I toke this photo because it represents the old and artistic look of the Gasworks.  You don't just see a old wall, you look more into it and experience how the workers used to work and what it was like.

Reference: Dunedin Gasworks. Retrieved from http://www.gasworksmuseum.org.nz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=68

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